Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Principal Difference Between Apollonius And Jesus

Ehrman s first argument delves into the history of so-called divine beings , particularly in ancient Greece and Rome, to help his argument, as he claims that Jesus was not the first, and certainly not the only, divine being in history, saying that We should not think of Jesus as unique , if by that term we mean that he was the only one like that -that is.....a man who was also in some sense divine (Ehrman 17). Ehrman s first example is Apollonius, a man whose story is very similar to Jesus. According to Ehrman, the birth of Apollonius came with divine signs from the heavens, and as an adult, he left home, traveling and preaching, collecting followers and performing miracles, and leading his followers to believe that he was the Son of God. Later, like Jesus, he too angered the Roman authorities and was put to death, though he allegedly ascended to heaven afterwards. However, the principal difference between Apollonius and Jesus was that Apollonius was a pagan, a worshiper of multip le Roman gods, who was seen by some as a competitor of Jesus, though historically, Jesus and his followers rose victorious, due to the spread of Christianity, and Apollonius remains all but forgotten to today s society. However, it wasn t just holy men who could come to be revered as divine, according to Ehrman, as he moves on to talk about how Roman emperors were often revered as gods. For instance, Julius Caesar declared that he had a divine heritage, In a funeral orationShow MoreRelatedA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words   |  209 Pagesless strange by administering them in small doses, or to demonstrate the equal validity of the magical and philosophical material, or for a combination of all three reasons. At all events, a similar method of presentation is apparent in one of the principal sources of The Aim of the Sage, the encyclopedia of the Brethren of Purity (Ihwà ¢n al-Safà ¢). What follows is a survey of the whole, with a sketch of the sources, as far as they can at prese nt be identified. No attempt has been made to impose a logical

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