Thursday, October 31, 2019

Robert Gagne's Conditions of Learning Research Paper

Robert Gagne's Conditions of Learning - Research Paper Example Learning can take place anywhere and at any time and anyone can be the benefactor of the said learning experience. In this essay, attention will be focused on the learning conditions of Robert Gagne who is famous for writing a lovely piece of literature called the Conditions of learning (Conditions of Learning (R. Gagne), 2012).   This piece of literature is an educational piece of writing that is also composed of psychological meanings and importance. By analyzing the literature, it can be seen that Robert was of the assumption that in learning, there are different types of learning that do exist and they are totally different. Some people might look at the definition of learning and see that learning is the amassing of facts that is sometimes are different while at other times are the same type of knowledge. In the journal, there are different types and levels of learning that bring about the accumulation of knowledge. From the journal, it is hard not to view Gagne as an individu al with the need for perfection (Conditions of Learning (R. ... Again from the journal, Gagne identifies that for each category, there is the need for certain conditions, both internal and external which differ from each other that is needed in order to have a meaningful learning experience (Conditions of Learning (R. Gagne), 2012).   At such a point, it is not hard to figure out where Gagne is heading. From his journal, it is safe to assume that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction in that for certain categories of learning to proceed as planned like say cognitive strategies, there has to be a certain gap in which one can practice the development of new solutions that will solve certain problems. There has to be a chance in which one can learn new attitudes of coping with learning and how to find their way around problems. While taking a look at learning in general, it is assumed that in whichever way that an individual gets the knowledge, it has fulfilled its part. From Gagne’s point of view which many might find i nteresting; learning occurs best when a certain number of tasks are done in a well organized and efficient manner (Conditions of Learning (R. Gagne), 2012).   From the journal, there are certain things that cause the concentration of an individual to be at its best. Such things are influenced by stimulus, response generation, following of procedure, the use of certain terminologies, certain discriminatory ways, and formation of concepts, application of a said or written rule and the general idea of solving problems. When the things concerning learning are placed in an orderly manner, in that they are arranged in a hierarchical way, they give rise to the much needed knowledge of how information is accumulated. The main work of the system of hierarchy

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The grand theatre leeds Essay Example for Free

The grand theatre leeds Essay Linda as a child is very excitable and active. She is dressed up (by her mother) in a very feminine way, however, she was a real tom boy inside. She carried on in everyday life things such as sitting down, as if she was a boy, legs wide open and crossed, as if unaware of the fact she was revealing her knickers to boys. On this scene when Linda is sticking up for him, they treat each other as the same sex, they are all the same as far as they are concerned, and they are totally oblivious to the world around them. Another scene when they are together is the scene when Mickey introduces Edie to Linda. They are all sat playing shooting with the guns. They are all extremely imaginative as they believe there are really shooting things. The three children are sat in the corner of downstage right, they are situate here so it makes them look smaller than they actually are because there is all the space around them compared to the amount of space used when the adults are on the stage. Here the relationship between Linda and Mickey is at its strongest. Linda hits the target every time, whereas Mickey misses, he doesnt show that he is jealous though. She laughs like a boy here, she feels completely at ease with him. Linda-Nikki Davis Jones-portrays the age of Linda very well here by shoeing the amount of concentration on her face when she is shooting, she is totally engrossed in her target. The relationship between Mickey and Linda is very close at this age and Mickey is not afraid to show his affections towards Linda or his mum. He doesnt think about his affections though, they are what come naturally to him; he loves to get excited and jump around. E. g. when Mickey bends over Linda to get the gun off Eddie he leans on her, whereas soon when he is a teenager he would never get as close to her as that without feeling embarrassed. The way Linda laughs when she wins shows the lack of problems and stress they had in between the relationship at that age, she is laughing with happiness and such an open body line, she has nothing on her mind. She has a lot of respect for Mickey but different to the respect he has for his brother, in the way that Linda laughs , flinging her head back as she does, she sees her self as equal to him, and would not get embarrasses in front of him. As teenagers Linda and Mickey are totally different. In the scene on the stile Linda is much more psychological, she thinks about her movements and what reactions they might have on Mickey. She is very flirtatious whereas Mickey is the shyest we have seen him in the whole play. Linda is stood astride on the stile; she is wearing her extremely short school skirt with her shirt buttons undone at the top. This outfit alone makes her look a lot older than she is (14) not because the actress is older but because her body language too is very different to hers as a child. When she talks to Mickey she tends to move forward from the waist as she speaks, revealing the space between her bra and her shirt. She intends to flaunt this to Mickey and his reactions are the total opposite of Lindas body language. He looks away and has his body on an angle to hers. He is embarrassed at the position she puts him in. Linda lets her hair down; she thinks that this will make her appear sexier. She is very impulsive here and doesnt seem to get embarrassed at all. She is much more sexually aware than Mickey and she thinks hes playing hard to get but really, he just thinks shes weird. Mickeys eye contact is very flickery and he doesnt actually look her in the eye very often. Her eye contact is very intimidating, her whole body level is a lot higher than him (because she is stood on the stile) and therefore she is looking down on him, making him feel small, her eye contact is fixed though in his eyes. She speaks in a slow provocative voice. When she deliberately gets stuck on the stile Mickey feels unsure what to do about this. She asks him for his help, she even says this sexily her knowing that he will feel uncomfortable about being so close to a girl wearing such a short skirt. He walks over and helps her and she presses her body close to him. Her eyes are still intensely looking upon him, he is aware that she is trying to flirt with hi but he is unsure how to react to it. He doesnt smile at all through this scene he tends to keep a straight face throughout but, making it obvious that something else is going on in his troubled mind. Linda and Mickey are almost at the end of the play, during the scene where Linda is trying to stop Mickey from taking his pills: In this scene both actors portray their complete change in characters well. Mickey has lost all pride in him self, he can barely look at Linda. They argue, this is a complete shock to the audience because you have seen them grown up from the age of 7 and yet you have never seen them argue. They have always stuck by each other. Linda is still behind Mickey but he is not the same anymore. Since Mickey got out of prison he had to take anti-depressants. Mickey has lost a lot of things, as a child he lost his dad. That is not something which has been an issue in the rest of the play. AS a child he lost his twin, he does not know about this but it makes the audience feel for him as all his life he has lost thinks. He lost his job, this made him become very cynical about life and be annoyed with Eddie his blood brother, this was the start where everything went wring. He had been made to grow up too fast, he had needed to, and he was annoyed with envy that Eddie was having such a good life. This showed tragic irony because; if his mother had have given him away he would have been in Eddies position not leading the terrible life he was now. His brother Sammy was his idol; right from the very beginning he looked up to him and loved him. He thought that Sammy was perfect from the beginning, but gradually, especially in the teenage section, he realised that Sammy was street- cred but was not who he wanted to be. Recently Mickey had been put under emotional blackmail from his brother; he didnt want to grass his brother in to the police because his brother got himself into trouble trying to help him. He had that dilemma on his mind. The weights of these problems and losses on his mind were conveyed amazingly in the pills scene. Mickey was pale; he looked several years older than he actually was. He was stooped over at the shoulders and wore brown baggy jumpers, trying to hide him. He lacked confidence because of his poor stance. Before he would stand tall and from the age of 17+ he was very open to Linda in a sexual way. Now they were so different he barely looked at her because he knew that he had given up on his life and felt ashamed that he had. When Linda was shouting at Mickey the tension felt was so intense because their body language was so private to themselves. This scene was the most emotional moment in the play for me because everything had gone wrong. You could see the frustration in Lindas face, she was frowning as she was shouting, she loved him and she had to watch her husband making a mess of his life because of the drugs. The voice skills the actor used here were brilliant; he talked in a monotone voice rather than Mickeys usual exciting voice. He also twitched which Mickey never did before; this showed what the drugs had done to him. All of the facial expressions and vocal skills were very subtle yet effective. The relationships between Linda and Mickey changed throughout the play; at the beginning they were extremely relaxed, fun, carefree, and full of life. AS teenagers they came to have more issues on their mind e. g. school life, one another, but they still kept the fun, and liveliness theyd had as a child. As young adults they had been forced to grow up as quickly as they did because they had to get married because Linda was pregnant. Because they had been forced to grow up like they did, they were face with more problems. Mickeys facial expressions throughout the play were the key to the audience believing whatever age he was, as a child they were much more impulsive and cheeky, as an a teenager he often looked embarrassed, and as an adult he looked extremely miserable, and stress ridden. Mickey and Linda both played their ages perfectly throughout the play and this were showed through their detailed voice skills, movement, facial expressions, and characteristics which ran through each scene. Willy Russell wrote this musical in a very witty and intelligent way. I noticed that in the beginning of the play there was a lot of humour, especially in the scenes between Linda Eddie and Mickey. The humour was used in ways which would show Eddies up bringing to be very different to Linda and Mickeys.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Problems Of The Aging Health And Social Care Essay

Problems Of The Aging Health And Social Care Essay for death from cancer, Management of the elderly cancer patient becomes complex because other chronic conditions, such as osteoarthritis, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and heart disease, must also be considered in their care. The attitude of health care providers towards older adults affect their health care. Unfortunately, research indicates that health care professionals are significantly more negative in their attitudes towards older patients than younger ones. This attitude must change if the health care provider is to have a positive interaction with the elderly patient. These attitude appear to be related to the pervasive stereotyping of the elderly, which serves to justify avoiding care and contact with them, as well as being reminders of our own mortality. Ageism is a term used to describe the stereotyping of and discrimination against elderly persons and is considered to be similar to that of the racism and sexism. It emphasized that frequently the elderly are perceived to be repulsive and that a distaste for the aging process itself exists. Ageism suggests that he majority of elderly are senile, miserable most of the time, and dependent rather than independent individuals. The media have also influenced on going stereotypical notions about the elderly. Health care providers must learn to appreciate the positive aspects of aging so that they can assists the elderly in having a positive experience with their imaging procedure. PHYSICAL, COGNITIVE, AND PSYCHOSOCIAL EFFECTS OF AGING The human body undergoes a multiplicity of physiologic change second by second. Little considerations is given regarding these changes unless they are brought on by sudden physical, psychological, or cognitive events. Radiographers must remember that each elderly person they encounter is a unique individual with distinct characteristics. These individual have experienced a life filled with memories and accomplishment. Young or old, the definition of quality of life is an individual and personal one. Research has shown that health status is an excellent predictor of happiness. Greater social contact, health satisfaction, low vulnerable personality traits, fewer stressful life events have been linked to successful aging. Self-efficacy can be defined as the level of control one has over ones future. Many elderly people feel they have no control over medical emergencies and fixed incomes. Many have fewer choices about their personal living arrangements. These environmental factors can lead to depression and decreased self-efficacy. An increase in illness will usually parallel a decrease in self-efficacy. The elderly may experience changing roles from life of independence. The family role of an adult caring for children and grandchildren may evolved into the children caring for their caring aging parents. It is also a time of loss. Losses may include the death of a spouse and friends, as well as loss of income due to retirement. The loss of health may be the reason for the health care visit. The overall loss control may lead to isolation and depression in the elderly. Death and dying is also an imminent fact of life. The aging process alone does not likely alter the essential core of human being. Physical illness is not aging, and age-related changes in the body are often modest in magnitude. As one ages, the tendencies to prefer slower-paced activities, take longer to learn new tasks, become more forgetful, and lose portions of sensory processing skills increase slowly but perceptibly. Health care professionals need to be reminded that aging and disease are not synonymous. The more closely a function is tied to physical capabilities, the more likely it is to decline with age, whereas the closer a function depends on experience, the more likely it will increase with age. Joint stiffness, weight gain, fatigue and loss of bone mass can be slowed through proper nutritional interventions and low-impact exercise. The importance of exercise cannot be overstated . Exercise has been shown increase aerobic capacity and mental speed. Exercise programs designed for the elderly should emphasized increased strength, flexibility, and endurance. One of the best predictors of good health in later years is the number and extent of healthy lifestyles that were established in earlier life. The elderly person may shown decreases in attention skills during complex tasks. Balance , coordination, strength and reaction time all decrease with age. Falls associated with balance problems are common in the elderly population, resulting in a need to concentrate on walking. Not overwhelming them with instructions is helpful. Their hesitation to follow instructions may be fear instilled from a previous fall. Sight, hearing, taste and smell are all sensory modalities that decline with age. Older people have more difficulty with bright lights and tuning out background noise. Many elderly people become adept at lip reading to compensate for loss of hearing. For radiographers to assume that all elderly patients are hard of hearing is not usual; they are not talking in a normal tone, while making volume adjustments only if necessary, is a good rule of thumb. Speaking slowly, directly, and distinctly when giving instructions allows older adults an opportunity to sort through directions and improves their ability to follow them with better accuracy. Cognitive impairment in the elderly can be caused by disease, aging, and disuse. Dementia is defined as progressive cognitive impairment that eventually interferes with daily functioning. It includes cognitive, psychologic, and functional deficits including memory impairment. With normal aging comes a slowing down and a gradual wearing out of bodily systems bit it does not include dementia . Yet the prevalence of dementia increases with age. Persistent disturbances in cognitive functioning, including memory and intellectual ability, accompany dementia. Fears of cognitive loss, especially Alzheimers disease, are widespread among older people. Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia. Therefore health care professionals are more likely to encounter people with this type. The majority of elderly people work at maintaining and keeping their mental functions by staying active through mental games and exercises and keeping engaged in regular conversation. When caring for pati ents with any degree of dementia, verbal conversation should be inclusive and respectful. One should never discuss the patients as through they are not in the room or are not active participants in the procedure. One of the first questions asked of any patient entering a health care facilities for emergency service Do you know where you are and what day it is? The health care providers need to know just how alert the patient is. Although memory does decline with age, this is experienced mostly with short-term memory tasks. Long-term memory or subconscious memory tasks show little change over time and with increasing age. There can be a variety of reasons for confusion or disorientation. Medication, psychiatric disturbance, or retirement can confuse the patient. For some older people, retirement means creating a new set routines and adjusting to them. The majority of elders like structure in their lives and have familiar routines for approaching each day. PHYSIOLOGY OF AGING Health and well- being depend largely on the degree to which organ systems can successfully work together to maintain internal stability, With age, there is apparently a gradual impairment of these homeostatic mechanisms. Elderly people experience nonuniform, gradual, ongoing organ function failure in all systems. Many of the body organs gradually lose strength with advancing age. These changes place the elderly at risk for disease or dysfunction, especially in the presence of stress. At some point the likelihood of illness, disease and death increases. Various physical diseases and disorder affect both mental and physical health of people of all ages. They are more profound among elderly people because diseases and disorders among older people are more likely to be chronic in nature. Although aging is inevitable, the aging experience is highly individual and is affected by heredity, lifestyle choices physical health, and attitude. A great portion of usual aging risks can be modified with positive shifts in life style. In elderly, the aging of the organs systems is one of the process where they need to understands and there are as list below: Integumentary systems disorders Nervous systems disorders Sensory systems disorders Musculoskeletal systems disorders Cardiovascular systems disorders Gastrointestinal system disorder Immune system decline Respiratory system disorder Hematologic system disorders Genitourinary systems disorders Endocrine systems disorders. THE RADIOGRAPHERS ROLE The role of the radiographer is no different than that of all other health professionals. The whole person must be treated, not just the manifested symptoms of an illness or injury. Medical imaging and therapeutic procedures reflect the impact of ongoing systemic aging in documentable and visual forms. Adapting procedures to accommodate disabilities and disease of geriatric patients is a critical responsibility and a challenge based almost exclusively on the radiographers knowledge, abilities, and skill. An understanding of the physiology and pathology of aging, in addition to an awareness of the economic the social, psychologic, cognitive, and economic aspects of aging, are required to meet the needs of the elderly population. Conditions typically associated with elderly patient invariably require adaptations or modifications of routine imaging procedures. The radiographer must be able to differentiate between age related changes and disease processes. Production of diagnostic image s requiring professional decision making to compensate for physiologic changes, while maintaining the compliance, safety, and comfort of the patient, is foundation of the contract between the elderly patient and the radiographer. RADIOGRAPHIC POSITIONING FOR GERIATRIC PATIENTS The preceding discussions and understanding of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial effects of aging can help radiographers adapt to the positioning challenges of the geriatric patient. In come cases routine examinations need to be modified to accommodate the limitation, safety, and comfort of the patient. Communicating clear instructions with the patient is important. The following discussion addresses positioning suggestion for various structures. The common radiography examinations for geriatrics are: Chest Spine Pelvis/hip Upper extremity Lower extremity CHEST The position of choice for the chest radiograph is the upright position; however, the elderly patient may not be able to stand without assistance for this examination. The traditional posteroanterior (PA) position is to have the backs of hands on hips. This may be difficult for someone with impaired balance and flexibility. The radiographer can allow the patient to warp his or her arms around the chest stands as a means of support and security. The patient may not be able to maintain his or her arms over the head for lateral projection of the chest. Provide extra security and stability while moving the arms up and forwards. When the patient cannot stands, The examination may be done seated in a wheelchair, but some issues will affected the radiographic quality. First, the radiologist need to be aware that the radiograph is an anteroposterior (AP) instead of a PA projection, which may make comparison difficult. Hyperkyphosis can result in the lung apices being obscured, and the abdomen may obscure the lung bases. In sitting position, respiration may be compromised, and the patient should be instructed on the importance of a deep inspiration. Positioning of the image receptor for kyphotic patient should be higher than normal because the shoulder and apices are in a higher position. Radiographic landmarks may change with age, and the centering may need to be lower, if the patient is extremely kyphotic. When positioning the patient for the sitting lateral chest projection, the radiographer should place a large sponge behind the patient to lean him or her forward. Sitting Chest PA Chest Standing SPINE Radiographic spine examinations may be painful for the patient suffering from osteoporosis who is lying on the x-ray table. Positioning aids such as radiolucent sponge, sandbags, and a mattress may be used as long as the quality, of the image is not compromised. Performing upright radiographic examination may be also appropriate if a patient can safely tolerate this position. The combination of cervical lordosis and thoracic kyphosis can make positioning and visualization of the cervical and thoracic spine difficult. Lateral cervical projections can be done with the patient standings, sitting, or lying supine. The AP projection in the sitting position may not visualized the upper cervical vertebrae because the chin may obscure this anatomy. In the supine position the head may not reach the table and result in magnification. The AP and open-mouth projection are difficult to do in wheelchair. The thoracic and lumbar spines are sites for compression fractures. The use of positioning blocks may be necessary to help the patient remain in position. For the lateral projection, a lead blocker or shield behind the spine should be used to absorb as much scatter radiation as possible. Lateral Spine PELVIS/HIP Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and injuries as the result of falls contribute to hip pathologies. A common fracture in the elderly is the femoral neck. An AP projection of the pelvis should be done to examine the hip. If indication is trauma, the radiographer should not attempt to rotate the limbs. The second view taken should be a cross-table lateral of the affected hip. If hip pain is the indication, assist the patient to internal rotation of the legs with the use of sandbags if necessary. Immobilization device are place to the patient foot. UPPER EXTREMITY Positioning the geriatric patient for projections of the upper extremities can present its own challenges. Often the upper extremities have limited flexibility and mobility. A cerebrovascular accident or stroke may cause contractures of the affected limb. Contracted limbs cannot be forced into position, and cross-table views may need to be done. The inability of the patient to move his or her limb should not be interpreted as a lack of cooperation. Supination is often a problem in patients with contractures, fractures, and paralysis. The routine AP and lateral projections can be supported with the use of sponges, sandbags, and blocks to raise and support the extremity being imaged. The shoulder is also a site decreased mobility, dislocation, and fractures. The therapist should assess how much movement the patient can do before attempting to move the arm. The use of finger sponges may also help with the contractures of the fingers. Hand Projection Lateral Wrist LOWER EXTREMITY The lower extremities may have limited flexibility and mobility. The ability to dorsiflex the ankle may be reduced as a result of neurologic disorders. Imaging on the x-ray table may need to be modified when a patient cannot turn on his or her side. Flexion of the knee may be impaired and required a cross-table lateral projection. If tangential projection of the patella, such as the Settegast method, is necessary and the patient can turn on his or her side, place the image receptor superior to the knee and direct to central ray perpendicular through the patellofemoral joint. Projections of the feet and ankles may be obtained with the patient sitting in the wheelchair. The use of positioning sponges and sandbags support and maintain the position of the body part being imaged. AP Ankle Projection Lateral Ankle Projection PATIENT CARE Patient care must be apply to geriatric patient because they all are all fragile where their bone can easily broke or they can be easily fainted during the examination. For communications, take time to educate the patient and his or her family, speak lower and closer, and treat the patient with dignity and respect. Transportation and lifting patient are also be need because geriatrics patient is not stronger than normal person. If possible, give the patient time to rest between projection and procedures. Avoid adhesive tape because elderly skin is thin and fragile. Provide warm blankets in cold examination rooms, use table pads and hands rails and always access the patients medical history before contrast media is administered. Take time with the patient Immobilization Device CONCLUSION The imaging professional will continue to see a change in health care delivery system with the dramatic shift in the population of persons older than age 65. This shift in the general population is resulting in an ongoing increase in the number of medical imaging procedures preformed on elderly patients. Demographic and social effects aging determine the way in which the elderly adapt to and view the process of aging. An individuals family size and perceptions of aging, economic resources, gender , race, ethnicity, social class, and the availability and delivery of health care will affect the quality of the aging experience. Biologic age will be much more critical than chronologic aging when determining the health status of the elderly. Healthier lifestyles and advancement in medical treatment will create a generation of successfully aging adults, which in turn should decrease the negative stereotyping of the elderly person. Attitudes of all health care professionals, whether positiv e or negative, will affect the care provided to be growing elderly population. Education about the mental and physiologic alterations associated with aging, along with the cultural, economic and social influences accompanying aging, enables the radiographer to adapt imaging and therapeutic procedures to the elderly patients disabilities resulting from age-related changes. The human body undergoes a multiplicity of physiologic changes and failure in all systems. The aging experience is affected by heredity, lifestyle choices, physical health, and attitude, making it highly individualized. No individuals aging process is predictable and is never exactly the same as that of any other individual. Radiologic technologists must use their knowledge, abilities, and skills to adjust imaging procedures to accommodate for disabilities and disease encountered with geriatric patients. Safety and comfort of the patient is essential in maintaining compliance throughout imaging procedures. Implementation of skills such as good communication, listening, sensitivity, and empathy, all lead to patient compliance. Knowledge of age-related changes and disease process will enhance the radiographers ability to provide diagnostic information and treatment when providing care that meets the needs of the increasing elderly patient population.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Division of Labor According to Gender in Virginia Woolfs A Room of One

Division of Labor According to Gender in Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own Virginia Woolf, in her treatise A Room of One's Own, identified a gendered division of labor. For her, men work in the market place and make the money while the women, the upper class women at least, attend to the social pleasantries and household management. While she lamented this state of affairs, she did not present, as Gilman did, a model for existence that would allow men and women to operate on the same level. However, a direct comparison to Gilman is somewhat unfair as she was not focused on the status of women in the economy so much as the status of women as writers. Like Gilman, Woolf saw this division between a man's work and a woman's work as a socially constructed conceit. Unlike Gilman, Woolf advocated a further break between the world of men and women. Woolf saw the status of women as a socially constructed situation. She certainly does blame the patriarchy for this, however, blame also falls on the women. "At the thought of all those women working year after year and finding it hard to get two thousand pounds together...we burst out in scorn at the reprehensible poverty of our sex" (Woolf 21). It is not that Woolf pitied the situation of British women, she scorned it. She declared that women were responsible for their own "reprehensible" state (21). She lamented: "If only Mrs. Seton and her mother and her mother before her had learnt the great art of making money and had left their the use of their own sex...we might have looked a pleasant and honourable lifetime spent in the shelter of one of the liberally endowed professions" (21). The fact that it was "their fathers and their grandfathers bef... ...the broader situation of the implicit implications of the sexual divisions of labor. While certainly women in academic positions will mitigate the misogyny of Professor von X, it proposes little to change women's attitude towards making money for their own descendants. We are left to assume that a change in the intellectual elite will percolate down into the ranks of the working class. Whatever the problematic implications, Woolf called for a new era where "[women] have the habit of freedom and the courage to write exactly what [they] think" (Woolf 113). She closed her treatise on a comment pointed at the female writers of her age: "I maintain that she [Shakespeare's sister] would come if we worked for her, and that so to work, even in poverty and obscurity, is worth while" (114). References Woolf, V. A Room of One's Own. London: Harcourt, 1929. 1

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Diversity Among Individuals Essay

Diversity among individuals, as well as cultures, provides a challenge for nurses when it comes to delivering meaningful health promotion and illness prevention-based education. How do teaching principles, varied learning styles (for both the nurse and her patients), and teaching methodologies impact the quality of such education? How does understanding a patient’s view of health promotion and disease prevention guide you in teaching them? Provide an example. Education is impacted any time that the student (patient) does not understand what is being explained, so it is important for the instructor (nurse) to have multiple teaching styles and methodologies to ensure the information is clear and understood. Speaking with patients, while drawing pictures or diagrams, as well as giving them handouts to take home allows you to cover all but one type of learner. Understanding my patient’s view of health promotion and disease prevention helps guide me to what specific information the patient will need. For example, A 21 year old male who smokes tobacco and has multiple sex partners informs me that he has no desire to quit smoking and refuses you to discuss the matter with me. Attempting to educate this patient on quitting smoking will do harm than good. The patient will be frustrated and possibly angry at me for not respecting his feelings, this could possibly damage our nurse-patient relationship of trust and understanding. In this case I will respect the patient’s right to smoke and spend my time educating him on sexually transmitted diseases and the importance of safe sex. My 21 year old female tobacco smoker informs me that she would like to quit smoking but is having a hard time. In this situation I would speak with her about her difficulties quitting smoking, fears and anxieties. Provide information regarding medications that are available, programs and resources that are designed to help her, and other options like hypnosis and acupuncture. Understanding and being able to incorporate teaching principles, teaching methodologies, and learning styles are all very important in patient education and health promotion but it will do you little good if you do not have the patient’s buy in and willingness to change.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Genius Genius Genius By Maeve Maddox A reader has asked for a post on the word genius, commenting, Its part of the word engineering but, in French, engineering is genie, which I associate with Aladdins lamp. Then, there is the genius spirit that ancient Romans associated with places. This comment offers much to address. I’ll begin with the Latin origin of the word. In classical religious belief, every human being was allotted a personal spirit at birth. This guiding spirit was called a genius, plural, genii. The role of the genius was to govern a person’s fortunes, determine his character, and to conduct him out of the world at death. The Latin word comes from a Greek verb meaning â€Å"to be born, to come into being.† This quotation from the OED show the word used in the sense of â€Å"guardian spirit†: Let their Guardian Genii still be watchful. N. Rowe Ambitious Step-mother. In addition to the kind of genii assigned to individual human beings, there was the genius loci, â€Å"genius of the place.† This spirit presided over a particular place: Watchd by the Genius of this Royal place. Dryden To Dr. Charleton in W. Charleton Chorea Gigantum. The â€Å"emperor worship† that the early Christians objected to involved burning a bit of incense not to the emperor, but to the emperor’s genius: Christianswho would die rather than fling into the altar-flame a pinch of incense to the Genius of the Emperors. F. W. Farrar Witness of Hist.   Ã‚   Genius in the sense of a guiding spirit is applied to abstract nouns and to periods of history. One may speak of â€Å"the genius of Democracy† and â€Å"the Genius of the Age.† Nowadays the word genius is often replaced by the word spirit. We’ve all seen cartoons showing a character being tempted: on one shoulder sits a little angel trying to restrain him, while on the other, a little red devil eggs him on. This depiction reflects the idea that people have not one, but two guiding genii: (a persons) good, evil genius: the two mutually opposed spirits (in Christian language angels) by whom every person was supposed to be attended throughout his life. Hence applied to a person who powerfully influences for good or evil the character, conduct, or fortunes of another. Genie and genii came to be used for demons or spiritual beings in general. Arabic jinn, the word for a class of spirits that may be good or evil, came to be spelled genii in English; singular genie became the word for one of these spirits, for example, one that might be imprisoned in a bottle. The use of genius as adjective meaning â€Å"intellectually superior† and a noun meaning â€Å"an intellectually superior person† developed in the 18th century as art critics began using genius to describe â€Å"native endowment† contrasted with â€Å"aptitudes that can be acquired by study.† This question on a homework site illustrates how this use of genius has obscured the word’s earlier meanings: If Hitler killed so many people, why is he called a genius? The youngster asking this question has no doubt seen Hitler referred to as â€Å"an evil genius† by someone who did not understand the meaning of the term. The answer given to the student’s question reflects the same confusion: You can say Hitler was a genius because he was so good at manipulating people.   He was able to get people to go along with his ideas even when they seemed to be completely crazy.  Because he was able to do this, you would have to say he was a genius.   Sadly, he used his great talents for one of the most evil goals ever. Hitler might be seen as the evil genius who influenced German doctors and prison camp directors to do abominable things, but labeling him â€Å"an evil genius† without reference to another person or persons is meaningless. The term â€Å"evil genius† refers to any personof whatever degree of intellectwho influences another person to do evil: The evil genius of the second half of Hitlers career was Goebbels. Ernst Hanfstaengel, Hitler: The Missing Years (1957). Finally, gà ©nie is the French word for engineering, but not because it has anything to do with the word genius. French gà ©nie means the same things that English genius does. The fact that the French word for engineering is also spelled gà ©nie is a coincidence: it’s a homonym derived from Middle French engigneour, â€Å"person who designs and constructs military works for attack and defense.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Words with More Than One Spelling50 Idioms About Fruits and VegetablesUlterior and Alterior